Knowing when to raise a flag

Knowing when to raise a flag

Posted on Jun 10, 2014 | Tags: , | No Comments

Almost all of us have a gut sense when things feel off with the team — like when everyone is working later and later hours but the team still struggles to hit deadlines, or when conversations between team members have an edge to them. While it can be hard to summon the courage to say something in these moments, the benefits of doing so almost always outweigh the risks.

So, pay attention when you start to feel that things aren’t quite right or when your level of belief is dipping. And ask yourself:

Which is riskier — speaking up or ignoring it?

More often than not, you’ll find that you’re simply expressing what everyone else is feeling — and you’ll be greeted with gratitude and relief for making it safe to have the conversation. And even if you’re the outlier, your provocation can be valuable in pushing the team to examine its assumptions.

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Last week’s question: Stay a step ahead of change






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